Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dutch Bakfietsen (Box bike)

I had the pleasure of tuning up a friend's Bakfietsen. In exchange, I get to keep it for a month. This bike is just over 7 feet long and approximately 90 pounds but it is built solid. It is very different from any cargo bike I have ever ridden but it is very useful.

More information about the Bakfiet online. Just search for BAKFIET.

First grocery and hardware store run. Luckily, Vista Village has a Multi-Use Paths connecting our neighborhood to Vista Village and other amenities.

These many books...
Fit in the Bakfiet just fine.

San Luis River Trail test ride.

Two trucks parked side by side

The front beanch seat is removable whereas the rear folds up. Both benches have a three point harness to secure small kids.

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